What is Kindermusik?

Kindermusik is a world-wide children's music and movement program. We use music as a tool to help prepare kids for future school success. Research shows that participation in music-making helps kids become better learners and excel in school. To learn more, visit Kindermusik International's website: www.kindermusik.com

The Gateway Foundation for Theatre and Dance

The Gateway Foundation for Theatre and Dance is a non-profit performing arts center in Pocatello, Idaho. Our mission is to help children cultivate and showcase their talents in the Performing Arts in a safe, excellent, wholesome environment. We strive to make Performing Arts training available to every child who desires it. Classes include: ballet, jazz, hip-hop, lyrical, creative, ballroom for adults and children, children's musical theatre, teen musical theatre, tumbling, cheer, voice, piano, and of course Kindermusik! See our website at www.gatewayfoundationfortheatreanddance.com

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Week 8:

“There was an old man named…” How many of you remember this favorite childhood song? Your children and I had lots of fun singing Michael Finnigan while reading the book. At home, read your own copy of Michael Finnigan and come up with a new wind sound for every page!

Another of our activities is On Our Way: Windy Walk. The development of body awareness in the preschool-aged child goes beyond labeling and moving specific body parts, to focusing and controlling the
movement of one’s body. This activity is structured to take body awareness a step further by including aural signals without the visual cues. When a specific signal such as walking, running or ready stop is heard on the
CD, it allow the child to focus on an aural signal, to process the meaning of the signal and then to transfer the meaning to a self-controlled action. Control of the body is the first kind of control children have over themselves and is the first step toward the development of internal control or ‘self-discipline.’

Now for some fun pictures of our Hoop Play and Color of the Rainbow classes:

And these are some fun pictures from Funky Hats and Boots:

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