What is Kindermusik?

Kindermusik is a world-wide children's music and movement program. We use music as a tool to help prepare kids for future school success. Research shows that participation in music-making helps kids become better learners and excel in school. To learn more, visit Kindermusik International's website: www.kindermusik.com

The Gateway Foundation for Theatre and Dance

The Gateway Foundation for Theatre and Dance is a non-profit performing arts center in Pocatello, Idaho. Our mission is to help children cultivate and showcase their talents in the Performing Arts in a safe, excellent, wholesome environment. We strive to make Performing Arts training available to every child who desires it. Classes include: ballet, jazz, hip-hop, lyrical, creative, ballroom for adults and children, children's musical theatre, teen musical theatre, tumbling, cheer, voice, piano, and of course Kindermusik! See our website at www.gatewayfoundationfortheatreanddance.com

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Week 12

For the next few weeks, many of our classroom activities will offer the opportunity for your child to hear, create and experience loud sounds and quiet sounds. Games such as these help develop listening skills as well as allow the opportunity for your child to use his/her cognitive skills to explore and discover.

Activities which encourage the child to move or stop moving in response to a cue help the child develop inhibitory (internal) control. The ability to control body movement is an important step toward developing self-discipline.

Fine Motor Skills may be developed through games requiring focus on finger movements. These skills are essential in increasing the child’s ability to turn pages of a book, use a crayon, hold a toothbrush or use a spoon. Last 3 pics w/bells

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